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All treatments carried out using the CRYOPEN.

Treatments start at £40

Please see below for general guidelines on what I will be able to treat for the consultation price during one session.


Skin Tags:

Up to 2 small skin tags: £40
Up to 4 small skin tags: £65
Up to 7 small skin tags: £90

7 is the maximum that I can treat in one session, further appointments will be discussed at the time of booking in the consultation.

Larger skin tags (anything larger than 4mm) are more likely to require more than one session and will be priced on consultation.



Milia and Cherry Angiomas:

2 - 7: £50

7 is the maximum that I can treat in one session, if more are needed to be treated then it will need to be done over multiple appointments and charged accordingly.


Age Spots:

1 - 5 small age spots of around 3mm: £50

More than 5 will need to be done over multiple appointments and charged accordingly



Larger spots of pigmentation (more than 10mm) are far more likely to require multiple sessions and will be charged on consultation


Warts and Verrucae:

1 Wart or Verrucae: £40 (1st session)
2nd treatment if needed: £25

Multiples Warts of Verrucae will require a price upon consultation but as a general guide depending on size I will discount each lesion at up to 50%.

Warts and Verrucae are incredibly stubborn, you may find that some can disappear with one treatments, some take up to 3 and some may require a visit to your GP. I will only ever perform 3 treatments.

To read more about this treatment, click here.

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